Eel Dreaming
Author: Ben Brown
Illustrator: Helen Taylor
Genre: sophisticated picture book
Main character: Eel
Eel needs to find a perfect river for him to survive in and be safe, without any harm! Eel searches through a swamp, forest which leads to a river, which leads to a gorge an amazingly colored waterfall! Slithered over a wide, wide valley, then over the famous tossok hill.
I rate this book fairly well,
I gave this rating because this story is sad, Eel cannot find a home to live in and every home he feels Awesome in is every home he gets kicked out of. On the bright side, this book is filled with adventure, “furiously trying to find a home he slithers down tossok hill struggling to survive. He needs to find a swamp/river” Eel is brave and loyal, he loves a good adventure and definitely 6-8 would love this book even little kids would love this book getting read to them, this is a good bedtime story and I recommend it!
Book review by Amity
I like how you have pictures that match your topic.