Destructive cyclones
Another name for a cyclone depending where in the world you are is a hurricane,
cyclone or a typhoon!
How does a cyclone happen?
Cyclones are like giant engines that use warm, moist air as their fuel. They form only over warm ocean surfaces near the equator. Warm moist air rises upward from near the surface. Air moves up and away from the surface, there is less air near the surface.
Māori connection
The māori word for cyclone is Haumātakataka.
He āwhā nūi, ā, he tino kino tē puhi ō tē Haumātakataka / a hurricane is a
bad storm with a violent wind.
How a cyclone made an impact on New Zealand.
Cyclone bola was the most damaging cyclone to ever hit New Zealand. Constant rain caused deves taking floods and slips, resulting in the evacuation of thousands of people and the death of three.
How to get through a cyclone.
- Disconnect all electronic appliances
- Stay inside and shelter in the strongest part of the building
If the building starts to break up protect yourself with mattresses, rugs or blankets
- .
- Beware of the calm ‘eye’
Interesting facts and trivia
Cyclone Tracy hit Carwin in 1974 and it was one of the most destructive cyclones! Cyclones are the 3 dangerous natural hazards to people. Cyclones spin clockwise in the southern hemisphere and anti-clockwise in the northern hemisphere!
There are so many names for a cyclone, hurricane, ECT.
But the most important thing is to stay safe! If you see on the news that a
big storm is about to come, stay tuned to the news for more updates.
My sources of information
Waitaiki Sharelle
Friday 14 September 2018
Personal interview